

学术报告:Applied Research Programs at the Food Innovation Center, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

发布日期:2016-10-14   浏览次数:


报告题目:Applied Research Programs at the Food Innovation Center, University of Nebraska-Lincoln






Dr. Changmou Xu is a Research Assistant Professor at the Food Innovation Center, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, United States. He received the PhD degree in Food Science (major) & Food and Resource Economics (minor) from the University of Florida, United States, in 2014, Mater degree in Food Biotechnology from the China Agricultural University in 2010, and Bachelor degree in Food Science and Engineering from the Jiangxi Agricultural University in 2007. His current research focused on: 1) developing natural antimicrobial agents & surface coating on food packaging materials and equipment for food safety and quality; 2) studying impacts of non-thermal processing technology (high pressure processing) on food safety and quality & its synergistic effect with natural antimicrobial/antioxidant agents; 3) developing fast analytical methods (surface-enhanced raman spectroscopy) to detect food-borne pathogenic microorganisms & food contaminants (antibiotics, drugs, pesticides, etc.); and 4) developing value-added & sustainable food processing of under-utilized agricultural commodities. Dr. Xu also is a key personnel of the state-of-the-art Food Processing Center at UNL. Based on this center, he offers both technical and business development services to various local, national, and international food companies. Dr. Xu’s researches have been published in top food science journals, such as Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, Food Chemistry, Food Hydrocolloid, and Food & Function. His research findings also have been extensively reported, such as by the University of Florida Research News, IFT Research News, ScienceDaily®, Medical Daily, Medical Xpress, and News Medical. Dr. Xu is a professional member of IFT, American Chemical Society (ACS), and American Society for Enology & Viticulture (ASEV). He is a Senior Assistant Editor (functioned as Associate Editor) of Journal of Food Biochemistry (Wiley); and has been serving as an Ad-hoc Reviewer for over 10 well-known journals in Food Science. Dr. Xu currently is supervising two PhD students and two PhD exchange scholars in his research group.
