


发布日期:2018-06-15   浏览次数:




    6月14日上午,学院举办中国农业大学食品科学与工程博士生论坛以促进学生科研训练与交流于东校区一教阶梯教室举办。论坛由食品学院副院长郭顺堂主持,美国华盛顿州立大学Juming Tang教授,荷兰瓦赫宁根大学Yang Zhu教授和美国俄亥俄州立大学Sudhir K. Sastry教授作为国际专家组出席论坛,并同我院赵广华教授一同担任评委。

    论坛上,10名来自食品学院的博士生就自己的研究课题做展示报告,国际专家与参会的同学们对汇报展示进行了点评与提问,现场气氛热烈。经专家讨论商议后,推选王睿粲博士为第一名,范熠博士为第二名,并由Yang Zhu为两位同学颁发优秀证书。最后,全体与会人员合影留念。



  程  楠 Design and application of functional nucleic acid based lateral flow biosensors

  范  熠 Microbial diversity and functional species in Fen-Daqu (a traditional fermentation starter)

  李斯屿 Phenolic Metabolomic Technology for Chinese Dry Red Wine Differentiation

  刘济源 Decoction-induced increase in antioxidative effects of aromatic vinegar- contribution of melenoidins

  刘  妍 Corn Fiber Gum: Effects of Peroxidase Treatment on Its Emulsifying & Film Forming Properties

  潘寒姁 A droplet digital PCR combined with propidium monoazide for detecting viable but nonculturable state Escherichia coli O157:H7

  王睿粲 Phytate-protein interaction in soymilk during heat processing

  王  宇 Effects of cluster thinning on vine photosynthesis, berry ripeness and flavonoid composition of Cabernet Sauvignon

  尹瑞暘 Effect of foxtail millet(Setaria italica)on glycemic control among subjects with impaired glucose tolerance(IGT)

  朱巧梅 Impact of the release rate of Mg2+ in W/O/W multiple emulsions on the physical and microstructure of tofu gel