博士 实验师

E-mail: lvzheng@cau.edu.cn



2019.09-2022.07 天津大学     化学专业         理学博士

2016.09-2019.07 首都师范大学 物理化学专业     理学硕士

2012.09-2016.07 首都师范大学 化学(师范)专业 理学学士



2022.08-至今 中国农业大学食品科学与营养工程学院 实验师






1. Lv, Z., Man, Z. W., Xu, Z. Z., Fu, L. Y., Li, S., Zhang, Y. J., Fu, H. B., High Contrast and Bright Emission Piezochromic Fluorescence in Organic Crystals via Pressure Modulated Exciton Coupling Effect. Adv. Optical Mater. 2021, 9, 2100598.

2. Lv, Z., Man, Z., Xu, Z., Li, S., Liao, Q., Fu, H., 2021. Highly emissive near-infrared solid organic fluorophores for visualization of latent fingerprints based on the powder dusting method. J. Mater. Chem. C. 2021, 9, 7345-7350.

3. Lv, Z., Man, Z., Cui, H., Xu, Z., Cao, H., Li, S., Liao, Q., He, Q., Zheng, L., Fu, H., 2021. Red AIE Luminogens with Tunable Organelle Specific Anchoring for Live Cell Dynamic Super Resolution Imaging. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2021, 31, 2009329.

4. Lv, Z., Li, L., Man, Z., Xu, Z., Cui, H., Zhan, R., He, Q., Zheng, L., Fu, H., 2020. Polarity-activated super-resolution imaging probe for the formation and morphology of amyloid fibrils. Nano Res. 2020, 13, 2556-2563.

5. Lv, Z., Man, Z., Xu, Z., Feng, C., Yang, Y., Liao, Q., Wang, X., Zheng, L., Fu, H., 2018. Intracellular near-Infrared Microlaser Probes Based on Organic Microsphere-SiO2 Core-Shell Structures for Cell Tagging and Tracking. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces. 2018, 10, 32981-32987.

6. Man, Z., Lv, Z., Xu, Z., Liu, M., He, J., Liao, Q., Yao, J., Peng, Q., Fu, H., 2022. Excitation-Wavelength-Dependent Organic Long-Persistent Luminescence Originating from Excited-State Long-Range Proton Transfer. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2022, 144, 12652-12660.

7. Man, Z., Lv, Z., Xu, Z., Yao, J., Fu, H., 2021. Strategic Engineering of Sub-5 nm Dyes@CDs Nanoassemblies Platform for Super Resolution Imaging. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2021, 31, 2106516.

8. Man, Z., Lv, Z., Xu, Z., Liao, Q., Liu, M., Yao, J., Fu, H., 2022. Self-Erase Force-Induced Turn-On Organic ASE Output Cryptographic Primitive for Advanced Multiple Information Encryption. Laser Photonics Rev. 2021 16, 2100552.

9. Man, Z., Cui, H., Lv, Z., Xu, Z., Wu, Z., Wu, Y., Liao, Q., Liu, M., Xi, P., Zheng, L., Fu, H., 2021. Organic Nanoparticles-Assisted Low-Power STED Nanoscopy. Nano Lett. 2021, 21, 3487-3494.

10. Li, L., Lv, Z., Man, Z., Xu, Z., Wei, Y., Geng, H., Fu, H., 2021. Polarity-active NIR probes with strong two-photon absorption and ultrahigh binding affinity of insulin amyloid fibrils. Chem. Sci. 2021 12, 3308-3313.







首都师范大学一等奖学金(2013, 2014