


发布日期:2018-01-23   浏览次数:


季俊夫,副教授、博士生导师, 邮箱:junfu.ji@cau.edu.cn, 曾任爱尔兰农业部Teagasc国家实验室特聘研究员。现为食品科学与工程系副系主任,江苏省组织部科技镇长团荣誉团员。现担任Food Frontier、Frontier in Nutrition、《食品工业科技》编委,Frontier in Immunology、Molecules等杂志客座编委;Food Hydrocolloids等十多个国际期刊特约审稿人。近五年已在Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science & Safety, Trends in Food Science & Technology, Critical Reviews in Food Science & Nutrition,Food Hydrocolloids, JAFC等SCI收录期刊上发表论文50余篇,第一作者或者通讯作者SCI论文34篇(其中IF>10论文7篇,一区Top期刊24篇)。



2010-2011年,英国雷丁大学University of Reading,食品科学与工程,学士;

2011-2012年,英国雷丁大学University of Reading,食品科学与工程,硕士;

2013-2017年,爱尔兰农业部Teagasc国家实验室,爱尔兰国立科克大学 Teagasc Food Research Centre, University College Cork,食品科学与工程,博士。







1.    果蔬功能组分递送体系构建

2.    植物基蛋白加工与应用

3.    植物源新食品资源挖掘


1.    本科生课程:食品保藏原理,食品安全的古今与未来。

2.    研究生课程:硕士Seminar,食品物性学,食品质量与安全控制前沿专题,食品风味研究专题。


1.    国家自然科学面上基金:巯基介导的花色苷/豌豆白蛋白递送体系与肠道粘蛋白MUC2的粘附作用机制研究,主持;

2.    国家自然科学青年基金:高静压诱导酪蛋白胶束保护花色苷C环4位的自组装形成机制,主持;

3.    “十三五”国家重点研发项目:低温预制食品减控关键技术安全性综合评价,子课题主持;

4.    中国农业大学兴化健康食品产业研究院开放基金,主持;

5.    中央高校基本科研业务费,主持;

6.   中国农业大学高层次引进人才科研启动基金,主持;

7.   江苏省青年托举人才工程,主持;

8.   江苏省泰州市高层次创新创业人才引进计划,主持;

9.   海南省应急项目,参与;

10. 联合利华国际合作横向项目,主持;

11. 产学研合作课题:大麦若叶系列产品开发与应用,主持;

11. 产学研合作课题:大麦青汁粉冲调性行为研究,主持;

12. 产学研合作课题:高品质复合调味料研究及产品开发,主持;

13. 爱尔兰农业部Teagasc国家实验室/百事食品PepsciCo联合框架项目, 主持;

14. 校级教改项目:兴化健康食品产业研究院实践基地建设及长效机制,主持。



1.      Peng, S., Ji, J.*, Combination of α-lactalbumin and gum arabic for microencapsulation of L-menthol: The effects on flavor release during storage and rehydration, Food Research International, 2023, 167, 112632.

2.      Huang, Z., Ji, J.*, The effect of Maillard reaction on the lactose crystallization and flavor release in lactose/WPI/inulin encapsulation, Food Chemistry: X, 2023, 18, 100650.

3.      Pak, S J., Ji, J.*, Functional perspective of black fungi (Auricularia auricula): Major bioactive components, health benefits and potential mechanisms. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 2021, 114, 245-261.

4.      Liao, M., Ji, J.*, The in-vitro digestion behaviors of milk proteins acting as wall materials in powder microencapsulation: Effects on the release of loaded blueberry anthocyanins, Food Hydrocolloids, 2021, 115(1).

5.      Liao, M., Ji, J.*, Controlled gastrointestinal digestion of micellar casein loaded anthocyanins The chelating and complexing effect of dextran sulfate, Food Hydrocolloids, 2022, 132, 107863.

6.      Liao, M., Ji, J.*, The in-vitro digestion behaviors of micellar casein acting as wall materials in spray-dried microparticles: the relationships between colloidal calcium phosphate and the release of loaded blueberry anthocyanins, Food Chemistry, 2022, 131864.

7.      Li, X., Ji, J.*, Guideline for measurement of condensed tannin. Food Frontiers, 2023, 4, 533-541.

8.      Ni, D., Ji, J.*, Enhanced rehydration behaviors of micellar casein powder: The effects of high hydrostatic pressure treatments on micelle structures, Food Research International, 2021, 150, 110797.

9.      Liu, X., Ji, J.*, Non-enzymatic Browning Induced by Chlorogenic Acid Quinone Mediated Catechin Oxidation, Food Research International, 2022, 156, 111297.

10.   Ren, J., Ji, J.*, Effect of spray freeze drying on the structural modification and rehydration characteristics of micellar casein powders, Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 2022, 80, 103093.

11.   Huang, Z., Ji, J.*, The dynamic flavor release from lactose/protein matrix during storage: the effect of lactose crystallization and powder microstructure. LWT-food science and technology, 2021, 141, 110857.

12.   Yin, W., Ji, J.*, Glycated α-lactalbumin based micelles for quercetin delivery: Physicochemical stability and Fate of simulated digestion, Food Chemistry: X, 2022, 13, 100257.

13.   Mao, M., Ji, J.*, Impact of high hydrostatic pressure on the micellar structures and physicochemical stability of casein nanoemulsion loading quercetin, Food Chemistry: X, 2022, 14, 100356.

14.   Li, K., Ji, J.*. Effect of Dextrose Equivalent on Maltodextrin/Whey Protein Spray-Dried Powder Microcapsules and Dynamic Release of Loaded Flavor during Storage and Powder Rehydration. Foods, 2020, 9, 1878.

15.   Ji, J.#, A novel method combining stable isotopic labeling and high-resolution mass spectrometry to trace the quinone reaction products in wines, Food Chemistry, 2022, 383, 132448.

16.   Ji, J.#, Yeasts induce acetaldehyde production in wine micro-oxygenation treatments. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2020, 68(51), 15216-15227.

17.   Ji, J. #, Rehydration behaviours of high protein dairy powders: The influence of agglomeration on wettability, dispersibility and solubility. Food Hydrocolloids, 2016, 58, 194-203.

18.   Ji, J. #, Assessment of measurement characteristics for rehydration of milk protein based powders. Food Hydrocolloids 54, 2016, Part A, 151-161.

19.   Ji, J. #, Enhanced wetting behaviours of whey protein isolate powder: the different effects of lecithin addition by fluidised bed agglomeration and coating processes. Food Hydrocolloids, 2017, 71, 94-101.

20.   Ji, J.#, Effects of fluid bed agglomeration on the structure modification and reconstitution behaviour of milk protein isolate powders. Journal of Food Engineering, 2015, 167, 175-182.

21.   Ji, J.#, The structural modification and rehydration behaviours of milk protein isolate powders: The effect of granule growth in the high shear granulation process. Journal of Food Engineering, 2016, 189, 1-8.

22.   Ji, J. #, The effects of fluidised bed and high shear mixer granulation processes on water adsorption and flow properties of milk protein isolate powder. Journal of Food Engineering, 2016, 192, 19-27.

23. 尹琬婷,季俊夫*负载辣椒素的巯基改性壳聚糖-玉米醇溶蛋白纳米颗粒制备与稳定性分析,食品科学,2023,44(10):8-14.


24.   Fitzpatrick, J., Ji, J., Miao, S., Characterisation of the rehydration behaviour of food powders. In Book: Food Powder Properties and Characterization, Springer Nature, 2020.


1.    季俊夫等,一种评价果蔬超微粉分散性方法,授权号202010408144.6

2.    季俊夫等,一种负载脂溶性风味的α-乳白蛋白微胶囊粉体制备方法,授权号202110029620.8

3.    季俊夫等,一种具有长效饱腹感的酪蛋白粉的制备方法及所得产物,授权号 202210494711.3


1.   神农中华农业科技奖优秀创新团队奖(2019);

2.    江苏省青年托举人才工程(2022);

3.    江苏省泰州市“双创人才”(2019);

4.    江苏省科技镇长团“优秀团员”(2019);

5.    北京市教学成果二等奖(2021),中国农业大学教育成果奖一等奖(2020),二等奖2项(2021/2021);

6.    中国农业大学青年教学基本功比赛优秀奖(2020),院级一等奖(2020);

7.    中国农业大学食品科学与营养工程学院工作贡献奖(2019/2020/2021);

8.    国家优秀自费留学生奖,国家留学基金委/教育部(2016);

9.    爱尔兰农业部Teagasc 国家实验室Walsh Fellow奖学金(2013);


1.    专项研究生培养:中国农业大学兴化健康食品产业研究院负责人,兴化健康食品产业研究院校级实践基地负责人。构建了食品类专业学位研究生“二元一体四融合”实践教学平台,相关成果荣获2020年“专业硕士培养优秀改革”奖,2019年、2021年中国农业大学“专业硕士培养优秀专项”称号。

2.    学术研究生培养:指导研究生获得2022年院级优秀学位论文,2019年-2022年多次一等、二等奖学金;历届毕业学生分别前往Wageningen、Technische Universität München深造读博,国家粮食局、中国轻工业出版社、浙江省烟草局、武汉市市场监督局等单位工作。热忱欢迎各位硕士、博士研究生进入我们实验室团队!

3.    本科生培养:指导本科毕设学生前往荷兰Wageningen,丹麦Aarhus,瑞典Lund等大学深造。指导本科学生获得2022年全国大学生生命科学竞赛创新类二等奖;2020年中国食品科学技术学会全国创新大赛第二名;2021年“三只松鼠杯”食品创新大赛提名奖2项;指导“合生元”大学生创业团队获得2019年中国“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛中国农业大学铜奖。多次指导本科学生国创、北创及URP创新创业项目。热忱欢迎本科生加入我们课题组进行科研素质训练!


