


发布日期:2019-12-23   浏览次数:16748



姓名:谭雨青    职称:副教授, 硕导/博导


2015-至今,Journal of Food Science, 审稿人

2016-至今,LWT-Food Science and Technology, 审稿人

2017-至今,Food Bioscience, 审稿人

2018-至今,Journal of Functional Foods, 审稿人

2021-至今,Journal of Materials Science and Technology,审稿人

2022-至今,Journal of Dairy Science, 审稿人

2022-至今,Food Chemistry,审稿人

2022-至今,Chemical Engineering Journal,审稿人

中国水产学会青年委员; 中国营养学会海洋食品营养与健康分会理事

Food Science of Animal Products; 《肉类研究》编委



邮箱: yuqingtan@cau.edu.cn


2013.8-2015.8 美国密西西比州立大学 食品科学与技术专业 理学硕士

2015.8-2018.12 美国密西西比州立大学 食品科学与技术专业 哲学博士


2018.8-2019.6 美国农业部西部地区研究中心 健康加工食品研究组 United State Department of Agriculture, Western Reginal Research Center, Healthy Processed Food Research Unit (Albany, CA) 博士后







2.Academic communication skills (Cornell-CAU dual program 本科生课程)


4.Seminar (研究生课程)






4.国家自然科学基金青年基金, 32101863,草鱼内源丝氨酸蛋白酶对肌原纤维蛋白凝胶的影响及调控机制,在研,2022/01-2024/12,主持。

5.北京市自然科学基金(面上), 6222027 基于内源丝氨酸蛋白酶介导的鲟鱼肌原纤维蛋白凝胶性能下降的机制研究,在研,2022/1-2024/12,主持。

6.中国科协第七届青年人才托举工程, 2021QNRC001,在研,2022/1-2024/12 主持。

7.USDA/NIFA项目:Enhancing Protein Composition In Soybeans For Improving Tofu Quality Using A3 Subunit As A Marker (参与)

8.USDA/NIFA项目:Value-Added Food Utilization Of Catfish By-Products And Invasive Carp Meat (参与)



1.Ding, N., Sun, X., Yu, Q., Hong, H., Luo, Y., & Tan, Y*. (2024). Unlocking the secrets of crude myofibril-bound serine protease from grass carp: The role in degrading myofibrillar proteins. Food Chemistry, 437, 137844.

2.Zhang, H., Zhang, Y., Chang, S. K., Luo, Y., Hong, H., & Tan, Y*. (2024). Utilizing fish waste as a sustainable nitrogen source for enhancing growth and metabolism regulation in Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis BB-12. Journal of Cleaner Production, 141076.

3.Zhou, Y., Ding, N., Zhang, Y., Zhang, H., Hong, H., Luo, Y., & Tan, Y*. (2024). Plastein reaction augments the metal chelating capabilities of silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) hydrolysates: Unlocking the chemical modification mechanism. Food Chemistry, 438, 138030.

4.Zhou, Y., Zhang, Y., Liang, J., Hong, H., Luo, Y., Li, B., & Tan, Y*. (2023). From formation to solutions: Off-flavors and innovative removal strategies for farmed freshwater fish. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 104318.

5.Zhang, H., Huang, X., Zhang, Y., Zou, X., Tian, L., Hong, H., ... & Tan, Y*. (2023). Silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) by-product hydrolysates: A new nitrogen source for Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis BB-12. Food Chemistry, 404, 134630.

6.Shi, G., Shi, C., Luo, Y., Hong, H., Zhang, J., Li, Y., & Tan, Y*. (2023). Interaction and phase behavior of whey protein and propylene glycol alginate complex condensates. Food Chemistry, 404, 134556.

7.Ding, N., Meng, H., Wu, C., Hong, H., Luo, Y., & Tan, Y*. (2024). Targeting brain health: Whey protein hydrolysate intervention enhances cognitive function in middle-aged mice. Food Bioscience, 57, 103460.

8.Dou, P., Li, X., Zou, X., Wang, K., Yao, L., Sun, Z., ... & Tan, Y*. (2023). Antihypertensive effects of whey protein hydrolysate involve reshaping the gut microbiome in spontaneously hypertension rats. Food Science and Human Wellness.

9.Zhou, Y., Zhang, Y., Hong, H., Luo, Y., Li, B., & Tan, Y*. (2023). Mastering the art of taming: Reducing bitterness in fish by-products derived peptides. Food Research International, 113241.

10.Feng, R., Zou, X., Wang, K., Liu, H., Hong, H., Luo, Y., & Tan, Y*. (2023). Antifatigue and microbiome reshaping effects of yak bone collagen peptides on Balb/c mice. Food Bioscience, 52, 102447.

11.Wang, K., Fu, Z., Li, X., Hong, H., Zhan, X., Guo, X., Luo, Y., & Tan, Y*. (2022). Whey protein hydrolysate alleviated atherosclerosis and hepatic steatosis by regulating lipid metabolism in apoE-/-mice fed a Western diet. Food Research International, 111419.

12.Feng, C., Tian, L., Hong, H., Wang, Q., Zhan, X., Luo, Y., & Tan, Y*. (2022). In Vitro Gut Fermentation of Whey Protein Hydrolysate: An Evaluation of Its Potential Modulation on Infant Gut Microbiome. Nutrients, 14(7), 1374.

13.Li, X., Feng, C., Hong, H., Zhang, Y., Luo, Z., Wang, Q., Luo, Y.,& Tan, Y*. (2022). Novel ACE inhibitory peptides derived from whey protein hydrolysates: Identification and molecular docking analysis. Food Bioscience, 48, 101737.

14.Tavakoli, S., Hong, H., Wang, K., Yang, Q., Gahruie, H. H., Zhuang, S., Y, Li., Y, Liang., Y. Tan*., & Y, Luo*. (2021). Ultrasonic-assisted food-grade solvent extraction of high-value

added compounds from microalgae Spirulina platensis and evaluation of their antioxidant and antibacterial properties. Algal Research, 60, 102493.

15.Jiao, Y., Liu, C., Feng, C., Regenstein, J. M., Luo, Y., Y. Tan*., & Hong, H*. (2021). Bioaccessibility and Intestinal Transport of Deltamethrin in Pacific Oyster (Magallana Gigas) Using Simulated Digestion/NCM460 Cell Models. Frontiers in Nutrition, 558.

16.Tian, L., Luo, T., Zhuang, S., Li, Y., Hong, H., Shu, R., Tan, Y*., & Luo, Y*. (2022). The changes in physicochemical properties and microbiota composition of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) under different aquaculture modes during 4° C storage. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 46(1), e16188.

17.Y. Tan., C. Tam., M. Rolston., P. Alves., L. Chen., S. Meng., H. Hong., S. Chang., & W, Yokoyama. (2021). Quercetin ameliorates insulin resistance and restores gut microbiome in mice on high-fat diets. Antioxidants, 10, 1251.

18.Y. Tan., & Chang, S. K. (2021). Protein extraction pH and cross‐linking affect physicochemical and textural properties of protein gels made from channel catfish by‐products. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 101, 4799-4807.

19.Y. Tan., Tam, C. C., Meng, S., Zhang, Y., Alves, P., & Yokoyama, W. (2021). Cooked Black Turtle Beans Ameliorate Insulin Resistance and Restore Gut Microbiota in C57BL/6J Mice on High Fat Diets. Foods, 10(8), 1691.

20.S. Meng, Y. Tan, S. Chang, J. Li, S. Maleki & N. Puppala. (2020). Peanut allergen reduction and functional property improvement by means of enzymatic hydrolysis and transglutaminase crosslinking. Food Chemistry, 302, 125186.

21.Y. Tan, S. Chang & S. Meng. (2019). Comparing kinetics of the hydrolysis of by-product from Channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) fillet processing by eight proteases. LWT, 111, 809-820.

22.Y. Tan, H. Gao, S. Chang, P. Bechtel, & B. Mahmoud. (2019). Comparative studies on the yield and characteristics of myofibrillar proteins from catfish heads and frames extracted by two methods for making surimi-like protein gel products. Food Chemistry, 272, 133-140.

23.Y. Tan & S. Chang. (2018). Isolation and characterization of collagen extracted from Channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) skin. Food Chemistry, 242, 147-155.

24.Y. Tan & S. Chang. (2017). Digestive enzyme inhibition activity of the phenolic substances in selected fruits, vegetables and tea as compared to black legumes. Journal of Functional Foods, 38, 644-655.

25.Y. Tan, S. Chang, & Y. Zhang (2017). Comparison of α-amylase, α-glucosidase and lipase inhibitory activity of the phenolic substances in two black legumes of different genera. Food Chemistry, 214, 259-268. (爱思唯尔高被引论文)


